好奇与拼命的沉醉虚拟,从梦中醒来,是面对现实,还是继续沉沦,身边的中国的年轻一代,是如何在中国的网吧下生活和痴迷的,他们并不是对所谓的科技和学习感兴趣,而是痴迷于游戏和虚拟的自我存在,从此,逃避现实,脱离家庭的一些独特的群体。拼命地陶醉。从梦中醒来,面对现实还是继续沉沦。在中国,年轻一代避免怎样活的问题,而不是发现自己在最近的网吧。他们不是在学习或成长的自己,只有在虚拟的自己的存在感兴趣。 在虚拟的世界中,成功的游戏人生,给他们信心,使他们进一步陶醉在他们的游戏世界。无论怎样,这都是事实,因此他们的虚拟世界和现实生活捆绑一起。网吧里充斥着各种呐喊,有沉默。在那里他们可以玩不择手段,网络是虚拟的,很多人在真正的挫折中,但是在网络游戏中一直备受推崇,因为很多游戏可以花费时间和金钱可以让更多人敬拜。在今天的中国网吧是最大的娱乐场所,因为网络游戏和流行的地方,具有标志性娱乐时代。中国街头的网吧随处可见,可想而知在中国并不缺失。因为中国有大量的网民。
Desperately intoxicated. Waking from a dream, in the face of reality—or continuing to sink. All around China, the young generation is avoiding the question of how to live and instead finding themselves glued to the nearest internet cafe. They are not interested in learning or growing themselves—only with the existence of their virtual selves.
My work is made in a small city that shows the country’s realistic daily life. Even some excellent young people from this area—longing for the opportunities of big city life—will find themselves blocked in their careers and thus rooted to this small town. Escapism, then, becomes an obvious route.
Escapism—a particularly troublesome position to take in China, a country in which family life is so strong and binding. While not obvious from the pictures themselves, this social context helps us understand the invisible emotional poignancy of these alienated individuals.