这座小城位于中国东部、沿海省份的一个内陆城市,地域面积小、城市竞争力差。 留下或者离开始终是一个艰难的抉择。多种问题交织,导致城市间差距越拉越大。 人们曾以自己的方式改造自然,按照自己的理想化的规划。我是一个追踪者,寻 找各方留下的痕迹,而这一切本身都被困在现实中,但它必须在它永远消失之前 被找到。
During the Great Depression in the United States, as homes and villages disappeared and people continued to change the map, China is undergoing urbanization today. In the past decade alone, the continuous urban contraction has reduced the population of an urban area in eastern China by nearly 10%, as young people are attracted by the better living and working conditions of surrounding large cities. I was driven by a sense of urgency and wanted to capture these places before they became memories. Maybe the city touches our memories of inadvertent closure, accustomed to accepting that everything will soon disappear.
China is developing rapidly, but at the same time paying painful price for its brutal growth: accelerating urbanization process has brought inevitable environmental degradation and social problems. Therefore, the human-nature relationship catches great attention. This city locates in a coastal province in Eastern China. It is geographically small and economically uncompetitive. It is falling behind due to various problems. For the young, like me, to stay or to seek their fortune elsewhere has always been a touch choice. Humans have been trying hard to alter the nature according to our own wishes. I take myself as a tracker following this process, who records subtle traces before they disappear forever. However, everything seems to hit limits in reality.